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TOOLS PADA IT FORENSIK Makalah ini berisi tentang Tools pada IT Forensik sebagai tugas mata kuliah Etika & Profesionalisme TSI. IT Forensik berkaitan dengan pengumpulan fakta dan bukti pelanggaran keamanan sistem informasi serta validasinya menurut metode yang digunakan (misalnya metode sebab-akibat). Dalam pembuktiannya, forensik menggunakan Forensics tools untuk memperoleh data dalam digital forensik. Secara garis besar tools untuk kepentingan komputer forensik dapat dibedakan secara hardware dan software. Makalah lengkapnya dapat dilihat, disini .


Nama : Erlin Novianty             Kelas : 4KA33             NPM : 1C114791             Mata Kuliah : Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2                                                           TENSES – 2ND ASSIGNMENT         Grammar and Tense is the key of studying and understanding english well. In grammar, tense is a category that express time reference with reference to the moment of speaking. Tense are usually manifested by the use of specific forms of verbs, particularly in their conjugation patterns. Basicly, tense found in many languages include the past, present and the future. Last, i’ve explained about Simple Present, Present Continous/Progresive, Simple Past and Past Continous/Progresive. And now, i want to explain 4 kind of tenses too. A.   Present Perfect Tense      With a length of time, present perfect usually means this action started in the past and has  continued until now. With no time phrase, present perfect usually means the action